Arundel Appetite Blog

Grilled Romaine?

I know what your thinking... Grilled Romaine... Really? I never thought lettuce and a grill would go well together either until I was visiting family out west. Anyone who knows me can attest I am not good at including vegetables in my meals, let alone a salad. After being introduced to Grilled Romaine things were different.

It's pretty easy and quick. Don't forget to heat up the grill and get your supplies ready. Preparations consist of only a few steps.

1. Cut Romaine down the center lengthwise.
2. Lightly brush with Olive Oil.
3. Sprinkle cut side with Sea Salt.
4. Place cut side down on grill. I like to keep on the grill until the edges start to get just slightly charred.
5. Remove from grill and cover the cut and grilled side with a quality shredded Parmesan cheese.
6. Serve with a good dressing. I prefer a creamy caesar. (For those serving vegetarians keep in mind caesar dressings are not vegetarian friendly, or as Diane calls it... "Contaminated").

Below is a video from My Kitchen Escapades with a slightly different take. See, I'm not as crazy as you thought for putting Lettuce on a grill. When you have a minute take a look at My Kitchen Escapades, she has some amazing recipes and content.

Mike Rigsby

Mike Rigsby
I have been working with and designing web applications with ColdFusion since circa 1999. I decided to utilize my skills to create and run Arundel Appetite. Our goal is to provide information on good food and to focus on a local area with a personal touch.
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